Wednesday, September 11, 2013


We have a mission to help 1,000,000 people be a part of the Fitness Epidemic!
What side are you going to be on?
Which Epidemic are you going to join?

We would love to have you join the movement!

“2014 All-American Fitness Epidemic”

Why a Fitness Contract?

A contract carries a much higher level of commitment than a simple goal or New Year’s Resolution.

A contract is binding.  Once the terms of a contract are agreed upon, whether by signing the dotted line or the use of a good old fashioned hand-shake, it is honored because it is ones word and one’s word is ones honor.

The primary beneficiary of this contract is yourself, however it will also benefit those people whom you come in contact with on a regular basis such as family, friends and neighbors because they love and care for you and your wellbeing.

To honor this contract, individuals need to realize that the body is their most valuable asset.  Without it……………well, what does anyone have?

In order to honor this contract it is crucial that each individual fully realizes the huge impact a healthy or unhealthy body can have in relation to the longevity of life and come to understand that the way we care for our bodies today can literally determine a person’s life expectancy by twenty or thirty years or more.

Fully comprehending the abuse our bodies take when we fail to eat properly along with insufficient activity is crucial in leading a long and healthy life and will also determine the success of each individual who chooses to be a part of the “2014 All-American Fitness epidemic”

Likewise, the benefits are enumerable and invaluable to all who choose to lead a healthy, active lifestyle.

Abusing drugs, excessive drinking and smoking as well as any other compulsive habits or addictions are all incredibly harmful to one’s own health and wellness and also cause severe undesirable consequences.

This contract is not a fitness program.  This contract is intended to assist each individual in finding that commitment level, at which point, we take action in achieving what we dream and desire most.  And with that level of commitment we experience a whole new level of discipline along with enthusiasm and excitement.  This contract will not fulfill any dreams or desires on its own but it is a tool in which it will assist anyone and everyone to be loyal to themselves.

When you choose to sign this contract, it is extremely important that you fully understand the severe consequences of being unfit as well as the incredible unimaginable benefits of being fit because they are equally beneficial, motivating tools when working towards a healthier happier life.

Health & Fitness Contract Agreement

If I am presently leading a healthy lifestyle then I agree to continue on with all due diligence while at the same time providing support, encouragement to those individuals around me who are willing to do what it takes to transform themselves into stronger, healthier and happier individuals.

If I am not presently leading as healthy a lifestyle as I should, I am committed to do whatever is necessary to transform my body into what I want and know it can be regardless of the time it may require or the amount of hard work.

I know by placing myself in a positive environment, much of my success can be attained by receiving strength, encouragement and support from those around me.  So I will show my contract and share my new level of commitment directed towards leading a healthier life by inviting others to join me in this fitness epidemic, while together we can encourage, support and motivate each other as we all become stronger, healthier and happier individuals.

I                                                                                   have read all of the above documented comments and statements and as of this moment do honorably and truthfully declare that I will comply and  commit myself to a lifestyle of proper nutrition and vigorous exercise to where I can maintain or transform my body into what it needs be so I can live a long, healthy, full and happy life while at the same time be a part of the first ever “All-American Fitness Epidemic” committed to providing strength and support in numbers.


Welcome to the 1st annual,

“2014 All-American Fitness Epidemic”

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